
Norwegian Forest Cats | Norvég Erdei Macska Tenyészet

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Vermilion Laguna Loire*ES - Milly

nõstény | NFO n 03 22
DOB: 2019-03-21 | törzskönyv

Apja: NW GIC HU*Gallifrey's Mike Ross, JW, DVM
Anyja: IC Misty Day Laguna Loire*ES
A szülõk szûrései: GSD-IV & PK.def. N/N, PKD & HCM/CIN normal
Tenyésztõ: Leticia Ibanez (Laguna Loire*ES)

GSD-IV: N/N | PK def: N/N | PKD: hamarosan
HCM/CIN: hamarosan

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Milly was a beautiful gift from our dear friends, Leticia and Juanka (Laguna Loire*ES). She could be ours only for a limited time, which is unfair. Thank you Leticia for this short time we could share with Milly. She was very special, and we miss her terribly. She will always be in our hearts.